sábado, 3 de agosto de 2013

The Party Begins Early Tonight! Celebrating Chile!

The Party Begins Early Tonight! Celebrating Chile! The National Dance performed by, “Amigos de La Cueca” (You are invited to join in!)


We are coming closer & closer to our GRAND GALA FOLKLORICO!
Do not forget that TONIGHT, Saturday August 3, 2013, we will be waiting FOR YOU exactly at 20:00 hrs. Be early, you don’t want to miss anything on this spectacular night!
Where the place?
We will be at Compañía Nº1360, YMCA building, on the corner of Amunategui.

You will enjoy, without a doubt, a pleasant evening of folklore, where you can appreciate our national dance, performed by our group, AMIGOS DE LA CUECA. They will also share the spotlight with bands like: LOS ROTOS PARADOS EN UN HILOLOS ARREJUNTADOSLAZOS DE CHILELOS HUASOS DE ALHUE and more.

This day will be the time that many of our Academy students will graduate and have a public display for you in the love and passion they have for our national dance.

Our Gala will be broadcast live all across the planet, through the signal from ON-LINE RADIO FOLKLORE OF CHILE, who along with YMCA, HOMELAND COOPERATIVE, AIEP ANDRES BELLO UNIVERSITY and THE FAST help are sponsoring our event.

The value of pre-sale tickets will be $ 2,000 and the day of event: $ 2,500. Price so low you can’t say no!

Friends of Chile, now YOU know, we hope to be able to enjoy this big night with you, great food and great dancing. Tell your friends and make plans to be there tonight!

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